''With a drop of my sweatheart's blood, Shed in the defense of the motherland, Will i put a beauty spot on my forhead, Such as would put to shame the rose in a garden''

11:55 PM
Posted by Arif Jan Khan Umerzai

Pukhtunkhua Milli Awami Party

Ideological Leader: Khan Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai Shaheed
Chairman: Khan Mahmud Khan Achakzai
Like ANP, PKMAP is also struggling for the rights of Pukhuns of Pakistan. However, PKMAP is rather more blunt about its ideology and for this reason is becoming very popular among young and educated pushtuns. PKAMP has its power base is northern Balochistan, which is a predominantly pushtun area. PKMAP advocates the unification of NWFP, Tribal Areas, Northern Areas and Northern Balochistan into one province called Pukhunkhua or Pukhtunistan.

Bababa-e-Pushtun Khan Adbul Samad Khan Achakzai

Pukhtun nation always had great leaders whose leadership brought prosperity and liberty to the nation.

Pukhtun pioneers and freedom fighters like Bayazeed Roshan, Khushal Khan Khattak, Sher Sha Suri, Mirwais Neka, Ghazi Amanullah Khan, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Bacha Khan) and Baba-e-Pukhtun, Khan-e-Shaheed Khan Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai fought for the freedom of Afghan Pukhtun nation and lived their lives for one cause, which was to keep the nation independent and live like honorable human beings on their home land.

In 1907 on south Pukhtunkhua’s (Balochistan) horizon, a blooming star was born, showing signs for liberty, equality, fraternity and sovereignty. Khan Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai was born in the pious priest family of Maulana Noor Mohammad Khan and Begum Noor Mohammad Khan at Inayatullah Karez near Gulistan, close to Quetta. Maulana Noor Mohammad Achakzai imparted to his son Samad best of religious and academic education to meet the challenges of the closing 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, Samad Achakzai proved worthy of trust reposed in him, by his parents. Samad acquired knowledge of religious education at home and then modern education available at Govt School Gulistan. Samad excelled in both which broadened his horizon to handle hazardous personal and political life.

Early Age:

At tender age of 10 inspired by his political inborn instinct Samad led school student's procession to protest against British imperialists about Afghanistan and Khilafat Movement. Student’s procession went on well without violence, as he firmly believed in non-violence amply proved by his political career, all his life. His successful students procession at Gulistan, however provoked Quetta-Pashin political agent. Samad was reprimanded. His parents were warned against this Samad's semi political activity, believed to be prejudicial to the British Balochistan. Seed of politics already shown in Samad by leading student's procession at tender age of 10, had taken shape of a political sapling. This political sapling led to Samad’s first landing in prison as a political prisoner in Quetta for 28 days. It so happened, when Khan Samad Achakzai raised a group of like-minded young men from Balochistan to back Ghazi Amanullah Khan of Afghanistan against whom British imperialists had conspired to topple him. Samad khan and his colleagues were let off, from Quetta only when the British Imperialists succeeded in Amanullah's ouster from Afghanistan.

Political Career:

Khan Samad's journey began from Balochistan to Punjab in 1929.As a veracious reader with an eagle eye on current affairs; Mr.Samad Achakzai had attained political maturity, as a teenager, on account of two earth moving events. One was Russian revolution in Oct 1917. Russain Revolutionary labor party, BOLSHVIC against imperialist Czar of Russia, brought in to being union of Soviet Socialist Republic(USSR). 1917 October Revolution freed subjugated nations of Russia on the principle of self-determination and equality of nation from the imperialist forces. It emancipated enslaved Russians and established their own Republics, where with their own free will, formed USSR, setting practical example of political ideals for national and social freedom. Such development as the evolution of USSR, had a political impact on the political philosophy of Khan Samad Achakzai who firmed believed in the freedom of Nations from the Yoke of British imperialism.